Worthiness & Reclaiming Your Power

Today, we’re covering ‘worthiness’ and what that even means as it relates to our overall wellbeing. Let’s start with the basics, shall we? Worthiness is defined as: the quality of being good enough…or the quality of deserving attention or respect.

What is your initial response to that definition? Do you believe that you are good enough…that you are deserving of attention and respect? Well, it’s not up for debate. It’s a fact. You are worthy. You were born worthy, and you will always be worthy.

I want you to think of yourself as a newborn baby. Think of how everyone fawned over you, did anything to make you smile, cradled you, wanted the best for you. Now, what makes you think that you’re any less worthy of love than that newborn baby? Your essence is the same…you’re just in a bigger body with a more impressionable mind.

At some point, someone tricked you into thinking you weren’t worthy of love. Yes? We’ve all felt it…and part of the human experience is to unravel that trauma and step into our power once more. * this is a good time to get your journal out *

Can you recall the first time someone made you feel like you weren’t ‘good enough’? For me, it was in grade school when kids made fun of me for having long, spidery legs. Then again, in high school when a guardian brushed me aside when I was deeply depressed…telling me to just, ‘get over it’ and ‘stop’. I’ve also questioned my self-worth in the aftermath of breakups, job losses etc.

Here is what I want you to understand. Every time you questioned your worth, you were picking on someone else’s story. Our entire lives are essentially reflections of our surroundings - from the media we watch, to the cities we live in, to the friends we choose. We are like sponges - very impressionable, and eager to please. With this understanding, can you think of particular areas of your life that are not necessarily serving you and making you question your innate worth? Perhaps it’s a friend or partner that has been gas-lighting you (been there), perhaps it’s a t.v. show that reflects violence and betrayal or perhaps it’s the expectations of your parents.

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Think of where you have been absorbing a story that is simply not yours. Part of waking up and integrating with our highest selves is rewriting our story. How do YOU want to feel? You do not need anyone else’s permission to be magnificent, abundant, wealthy, spectacular, skilled, wise….You were born to be great. You were born to be loved, cherished, and celebrated for all that you are. And if you haven’t heard it today - I love you. I honor you. I am so proud of who you have become. I admire your strength and I believe in you.

If you have your journal out, let’s make a t-chart and knock out some of those self-limiting beliefs. Let’s re-write our story. On one side of the chart, write down a belief that makes you feel icky and sad. Then, think of who gave you that belief. Good. On the other side, write down what you would prefer to believe and let that feeling wash over you. Keep going until you have at least five beliefs written down that you are able to change.

  • Example: A self limiting belief could be, ‘I don’t deserve to make a lot of money…my job isn’t good enough for that…I am not good enough for that.’ Now, FLIP IT. Change that belief to ‘I am innately abundant. I deserve financial security and money comes to me easily and effortlessly’.

Changing our belief system happens over time, so be patient and persistent with yourself as you upgrade :) You will become more and more high-vibrational every time you catch a self-limiting thought, question it, and then change it. Our thoughts become our beliefs which become our words which become our actions which become our reality. Your life is going to change in a major way as you step into your worthiness once again. I love you. You are worthy of everything and every experience you desire. If you want it, it’s meant for you. And so it is.

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