10 Tips For A Productive Day

So, we all want to get the most out of our days right? We wake with high hopes of accomplishment but sometimes end up going to bed feeling a little disappointed in our lack of productivity. Sound familiar? I certainly have those days but they have become fewer and fewer since putting my productivity hacks into motion. That being said, I truly believe in tuning in to your natural energy cycles. There will be days when you simply need rest and productivity is out of the question. Please be gentle with yourself :)

Okay, lets get into it… here are my tips for productivity:

  1. Start your day the night before. Visualize how your day is going to look the night before, and write it down. Make your to-do list an hour before you go to bed. This way you go to bed relaxed and with a plan. And the next morning, you’ll wake up focused and ready to go. * Try to have no more than 7 tasks on your list.

  2. Make your bed every morning. When you make your bed, you accomplish a task right off the bat. This will encourage you to do another task…and another. Plus, I always remember that ‘a clear space is a clear mind.’

  3. Time block !!! This is the #1 tangible practice that ensures a productive day. Set your timer for 20 minutes, and get cracking on one item from your to-do list. If you’re on a roll, set your timer for another 20. Set timers for breaks as well. Rinse and repeat for each task. You’ll be astounded by how much you can actually get done in 20 minutes. I set my timer for 20 minutes to get this blog post done and until now, it’s only taken 10 minutes! Magic.

  4. Make a soundtrack for your work time. When you hear the same music every time you work, it’s like flipping a switch. Your brain just knows it’s time to make moves. I would recommend something purely instrumental and upbeat. I listen to the Ocean Movies Soundtrack

  5. Remind yourself of WHY you’re working on these projects in the first place. When you think of the big picture, and what you want your life to look like in 5,10,20 years it increases motivation and provides clarity. Look at your vision board every day to keep your eye on the prize.

  6. Hold yourself accountable in a public way. For me, this looks like sending out a newsletter every Sunday, pulling tarot cards on IG every Monday, writing a blog post weekly….you get it. If I don’t do any one of those, I’m not just letting myself down, I’m letting my buddies down too. If that kind of stuff isn’t up your alley, I would recommend joining a group on IG or FB that holds you accountable - a place where people will cheer you on and acknowledge your milestones.

  7. Figure out your time of genius. Some of us are morning people, some of us are night owls…It’s important to figure out what time of day yields your highest productivity. I know I work best between 1pm and 5pm because I’ll experience the fewest distractions, I’ll have eaten a good meal, I’ll have moved my body, etc.

  8. Designate a working area. It should be away from where you sleep and eat. Similar to choosing a working soundtrack, the space you choose will trigger ‘work-mode’.

  9. Set limits on social media. On iPhones, you can go to Settings> Screen Time > App Limits. This will help you avoid distraction and put in to perspective how much time you could be wasting by scrolling.

  10. Celebrate your accomplishments every day by acknowledging three things you did well. Do this in the mirror and hype yourself up with more affirmations. Also, gently acknowledge where you could have done better and plan tomorrow accordingly.

I’d love to know what your favorite productivity hacks are as well! Please do drop a comment below or on IG to give us all some inspo :) Finally, remember that your productivity does not define your worth. We are all doing the best we can with what we have.

Love ya! x Helen

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