Grounding - More Reasons To Take Your Shoes Off

I grew up running around around our neighborhood fields with the other rascals that lived on our street. Always barefoot…always out of breath by the time my sister and I barreled through the front door. We grew up without a television - my parents hoping that we would spend more time outside and less time hypnotized by a screen. It worked.. and to this day I return to the outdoors for solace with every opportunity. For the majority of us living in cities these days, having a grounding practice (mentally, physically, and spiritually) becomes more and more important to our overall wellbeing.

Of course the wellness community has given the act of going barefoot a name - we call it ‘earthing’ or ‘grounding’. I think we can all inherently understand why this kind of connection with our planet is so beneficial for our overall wellbeing, but what exactly happens when we have skin to skin contact with the Earth like this?

Here are some of the benefits of grounding:

  • Improves balance and coordination (proprioception)

  • Delivers negatively charged electrons to our body which helps the overall function of your cells

  • Decreases inflammation and boosts immunity

  • Improves sleep, relieves stress, and promotes overall happiness

  • Enhances your sensory experience

  • Creates a sense of liberation and freedom leading to nervous system regulation

via pinterest

It’s funny to see ‘grounding’ referred to as a wellness trend, because this is a practice that really doesn’t need a name… we could be connecting with our surroundings like this on the daily. I think so much of why our world is in turmoil right now is because many of us have neglected our relationship to Earth. We’ve forgotten our connection to the natural world, and in turn our connection to self. However, I do believe we are at a turning point - we are waking up. We are remembering how connected we are to one another and to all living things.. we are learning how to be good stewards again and many of us are learning new skills and new ways of being in direct correlation with nature.

At the end of the day, intentionally going barefoot and grounding is a practice to connect with our soul essence and to more deeply understand our roots. When we bond with Earth like this, we also become more acutely aware of how we are treating her. We are more likely to partake in sustainable practices, to study herbs, to eat more whole foods, to show more compassion in every way.

Grounding will innately deliver us to a place of resounding gratitude and safety.

To simply be present with the stable earth beneath your feet, the birdsong, the sunshine… we remember what a gift it is to be alive and well; quite frankly, it’s a miracle. So, today, I invite you to take your shoes off and just stand still outside if the sun is up while you’re reading this. Notice the sensations in your body, and notice how your emotional state almost immediately regulates. If you can’t fully walk or stand somewhere without your shoes off, you can even place your hands on the ground, or wrap your arms around a tree, or sit near a body of water to recalibrate. Happy grounding :)

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