It's Okay to Change...

It’s okay to change your mind, your beliefs, your preferences...your life. It’s okay to envision and plan for a future that is different from what you imagined at 16 years old. When I was a little kid, I wanted to be like Britney Spears. A pop star with all eyes on me, a lavish lifestyle, more money than I could comprehend. For a long time, that wanting was rooted in my subconscious. I continued searching for the next way to be seen or heard, without really having a "why"...other than wanting to be famous.

I've finally been able to pull back the curtain on the 'fame monster', and understand that we are fed those wants & needs by the media from a young age to turn us into the ultimate consumer. When we don't feel worthy, or we feel like we're always behind, we tend to buy more products...and we feed the media machine to evoke a sense of worthiness within ourselves. Instagram has perfected this. However, our power comes with awareness. When we wake up to the reality of it all, it becomes more manageable and more fun! More of a creative outlet.

Focusing more on community and healing, I’ve allowed myself to drop the need for so much attention and status. With that by the wayside, I am discovering myself more authentically. Taking more of an interest in actually becoming a better musician/writer/human than finding shortcuts to small bursts of attention. I am all of a sudden comfortable with wanting to spend more time in nature..more time meditating..more time traveling. Less concerned about hustling until I drop without actually growing! Feels good.

How have your wants/needs changed over the last 5-10 years?

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