Embracing Endings To Create Space For New Growth
Greetings Loved Ones,
Today, we're taking a look at:
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The sooner we can accept that the human experience means constant change and constant stretching of the self, the more alignment we’ll feel. It’s the difference between suffocation and surrender.. constriction and release.
Change is where we face ourselves under pressure. It’s where the power of choice and of free will becomes increasingly apparent.
And here’s the thing about change - while it signals a new beginning (and another foray into the unknown), it immediately signals an ending of some sort. It’s a reminder that we live in a state of impermanence, and it’s an invitation to f l o w more consciously (as the water beings we are).
The magic really happens in the liminal state - between the shedding of our old baseline of familiarity, and the initiation into a new version of ourselves that still feel wobbly. This is where the invitation to deepen our healing and hold ourselves in ultimate compassion resides. Most of us tend to turn toward fear and compression in this liminal state, but I want to encourage you to lean in and get curious. There is medicine here.. you are ready and you are capable of handling this.
As we face endings on any level of intensity, there is also some semblance of a grief cycle that accompanies it.. a dying of the old. Let yourself feel it. Let the phases wash over you; because the sooner you allow yourself to feel it, the sooner you’ll have alchemized it and healed it.
This can look like processing: denial → anger → bargaining → depression → and finally, acceptance.
"The end is where we start from." — T.S. Eliot
We may move through the whole gamut of these emotions even when we know something amazing awaits us! For example, entering a new romantic relationship will often mean grieving your single self in the beginning. Getting a promotion at work will often mean grieving the ease you were used to in the old position and perhaps the colleagues you were close with. Moving to a new city can mean grieving your old spaces and places that felt familiar.
The key is to recognize that it’s not a bad or negative thing to feel resistance to change and to feel sadness about an ending. It just means that you’re stretching and becoming stronger and more flexible. Issues arise when we resist the deeper stretches and when we keep ourselves stuck on a loop of familiarity.. that level of stagnancy can breed dis-ease.
I look at life like a school and this mindset has been so helpful for maintaining a foundation of gratitude. When you’re constantly looking for what you can learn, life becomes so much more exciting and adventurous! It turns into a blessing instead of a punishment.
So.. what endings are happening for you right now to create space for your next blessings to arrive? What are you graduating from?
+ Tune into The Lifted Podcast to deepen your healing.
Love always. x Helen