Navigating A Quarter Life Crisis

Navigating A Quarter Life Crisis + Embodying The Phoenix Rising

Raise your hand if you feel like you're going through a quarter life crisis 👋 I am still feeling the medicine of mine at age 30, now. Aaand I have a feeling most of us are gonna live til 120 so if you're experiencing this in your mid-late 30's - it makes sense !!

via pinterest

Right off the bat, let's actually change the word ‘crisis’ to BREAKTHROUGH. *Exhales. Doesn't that feel so much better?

Because all that's happening in a quarter life crisis is this: you're having a growth spurt. And we know from childhood, that growth spurts are not comfortable! We can feel our bones stretching and our old selves shedding.. we're confused about what's happening internally and externally.. the experience expands us but it can feel like it's crushing us all at the same time.

So for those of you who ‘raised your hand’ and are currently experiencing a breakthrough, I want to encourage you to lean in. Consider that you are the phoenix rising from a death cycle right now. You are coming back to life more vibrant than ever.

Here is some guidance for navigating your quarter life breakthrough:

  1. Notice where you numbing (scrolling for hours, drinking, over eating, etc.)

    • Challenge yourself to sit in stillness with the feelings you're avoiding.

  2. Hold a ‘funeral’ or release ritual for the old version of you that is shedding.

  3. Update your vision board and your plan of action.

  4. Record a new set of affirmations in your voice notes and listen to them when you get ready in the morning.

I walk you through some of those pointers and much more in this episode of The Lifted Podcast → ‘Embodying The Phoenix: Rising From The Ashes’ | #186

Enjoy! Ping me with your biggest takeaways and congratulations on your breakthrough ;)


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