5 Ways To Beat A Bad Mood (Fast)

We all have those days - everything is annoying, we can’t be bothered to make an effort, it seems like everything is working against us and all we want to do is curl up and hide in our misery. It can be easy to drift into that mood and allow it to take over; but when we remember that we always have a choice in perspective, things can start to shift for the better. Below are five ways in which you can pull yourself out of a funk and raise your vibration.

1. Physically shake it off! With exercise or literally just shaking your body.

  • When we exercise, our ‘happiness chemicals’ (serotonin, dopamine, endorphins & norepinephrine) are released.

  • Shaking is an ancient healing technique that gets our chi flowing even more powerfully. It elicits the ‘arousal’ response and has even been shown to release energetic blocks around trauma. Furthermore, it helps us to let go of control and surrender.

2. Clean up your space. “A clear space is a clear mind” amiright?

  • Cleaning your space gives you a quick sense of accomplishment. That’s why I make my bed first thing every morning - because it sets my day off on the right foot! It’s a completed task that I’ll be able to take pride in every time I walk into my bedroom.

  • When we see clutter, our brain registers chaos to some degree. Cleaning our space puts the power back in our hands and allows us to focus on the more important matters of the day.

3. Create laughter.

  • Even if you have to fake it for a moment, you’ll find yourself laughing authentically! Watch a funny video on YouTube or bring up a funny memory with a friend.

  • Benefits of laughter: improves mood, relieves pain and stress, boosts the immune system, delivers oxygen to organs, etc.

4. Practice gratitude in the present and future tense.

  • Gratitude can completely change our perspective and remind us of how beautiful life really is. You can even make a list of what you’re grateful for ahead of time! For example: “I am so grateful for the great conversations I had today, for a delicious dinner, swimming in the ocean, the great book I’m reading…”

5. Talk to yourself out loud and express the issue that you’re experiencing.

  • This will help you feel seen and heard…by yourself lol. It’s an act of self-love because you are giving your active attention to healing and transformation. Just talking out loud about an issue you are facing, or just a bad mood, will shed light on what’s really going on on a deeper level and create a cathartic release.

  • EFT (Tapping) is an extension of this! Have you tried it?

Bonus: You guys know I can’t leave out the importance of mediation. For long term mental health, meditation is essential and lifechanging. This is how we actually create new neural pathways, learn how to respond instead of react, and come to know and love ourselves more deeply. Meditation is not about ‘going blank’ or having no thoughts…it’s about taking the time to just sit with yourself in observation. With a daily meditation practice, I guarantee you will experience far fewer ‘bad moods’.

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