What Are You Settling For?
Here's a question: What are you settling for?
Are you accepting pay rates that are below your standard to feel safe? Are you in a relationship that doesn't feel right because you think no one else will love you? Are you avoiding a workout routine because you can 'settle' for how your body feels & looks?
I'm here to challenge you to stop settling. You are worthy of that huge payout. You are worthy of that passionate romance. You are worthy of a healthy body and mind.
When we say 'no' to what no longer serves us - we send a direct message to the Universe that says, "My standards are higher than this & I require new and better circumstances to flourish." Watch what unfolds when you shed the old layers and make way for the new. When we say 'no' to what doesn't serve us, we solidify our self-worth and we level up.
It's brave szn. Go get em'.
Love, Helen Denham