Upgrading Our Consciousness + Tools For Ascension

You are not alone in recognizing the cosmic shift we are going through. The matrix is unraveling, there is a divide in levels of awareness, and a divide in terms of love vs. fear (neither bad nor good, just different). Light workers, healers, shamans…we are uniting to help human beings realign with the essence of innate joy and vitality. We are choosing to recognize and end our own suffering (pain is inevitable but suffering is a choice), and remembering that every circumstance in our path has been placed to help us evolve. The Universe is working for us, not against us; there are no accidents.

In my experience, ecstasy is the highest frequency we hold (love and gratitude are right there with it). To raise our vibration, it seems to be a matter of unraveling our areas of resistance and letting them go until we can allow ourselves to swim with the current of life instead of against it. The major ingredient here is trust.

At the same time, we are having a human experience! Part of this experience is agreeing to the terms of the unknown and the craziness that goes down on Earth and finding our way back ‘home’…remembering who we really are as souls having a physical experience.

ig: @aniko.arts

I see the shift from 3D (our current reality) to 5D as a transition from a vibration of lack, pressure, and fear to a vibration of expansion, ease, and loving compassion. So, let’s talk about how to tap into this 5D reality. What will it feel like as we ascend? What are some practices we can incorporate to help us transition?

  1. Our bodies (biological spacesuits) are the vessels that will get us to the next level. If we are to connect with source energy, vitality, it’s important that we eat vital foods. Fruits, legumes, vegetables, mineral water. Secondly, we’ve got to keep our blood pumping - our cells oxygenated. This all comes back to vitality in the body so that he/she can actively communicate with the mind and soul.

    Furthermore, the body will tell you exactly what it needs. An ache or a pain is a signal that part of you needs specific attention, and the treatment of that root issue will raise your vibration. For example, my skin has been very inflamed recently - lots of breakouts. After doing my research and playing around with my diet, I came to understand that I’ve had a hormone imbalance. With this realization, I’ve been able to treat the root cause and ultimately shift my frequency so that I feel better all around.

  2. Managing our thoughts will lead to a huge shift. Our thoughts are not happening to us…we are in the driver’s seat. When we understand that our thoughts create our beliefs which create our realities, we can reinstate our sovereignty. We can ask ourselves, ‘Who is speaking’? When a thought comes up, is it your shadow or your highest self speaking? Becoming the observer puts the power back in your hands, and that observer is the soul…the most authentic you.

    • Similarly, recognizing fear when it creeps in, and choosing love and gratitude. We live in a realm that is strangely ‘square’. It is natural for us to want to fit in and be accepted - and many of us will go to great lengths to ensure that we fit in with the herd with fear pushing us to change ourselves to look like everyone else. Fear also comes in with the narratives that are pushed in media that we see every day. From deep conspiracy theories, to stories of violence and terror, fear can overwhelm the psyche.

      It’s so important for us to question that fear and recognize it when it arises, consciously. How would you prefer to feel? Choose that. Fear keeps us paralyzed, while love gives way to expansion. We can raise our vibration by making sure that we are consuming media that is in line with peace instead. Curate your Instagram feed wisely - follow people who inspire you, and seek out stories that give you hope and a sense of belonging. We can stay informed and up to date with current events, while also maintaining our peace. The same goes with the people we allow to physically surround us! Are they lifting you or draining you? Do not settle ♡

  3. Working with dreams and the astral realm. Dreamwork has changed my entire human experience. When we were kids, my mom taught my sister and me how to lucid dream by having us write down our dreams every morning, programming our minds to look for signals in the dream to make us aware that we were dreaming (like inception!), and setting our intentions as we drifted off to sleep. When you become fully conscious in a dream, you know you are more than your body. Similar to those who recall near death experiences, dreams take us out of our shells and into the astral/cosmic world. Have you guys seen The OA on Netflix? It’s a little scary at times but an incredible way of describing our souls as cosmic travelers.

    • You could also look into liminal dreaming. That could be a first step before diving into lucid dreaming. In liminal dreaming, we are keeping our minds active enough to receive downloads and initial imagery as our bodies fall asleep.

    • Astral projection is another big leap! Click here to read a whole blog post I did on it.

  4. Embracing the elements and recalling ancient wisdom.

    • Water - take cold showers to help your cells turnover and shock your system. Swim in natural bodies of water to alchemize.

    • Earth - go barefoot while walking outside as much as possible. Eat plant-based as often as possible.

    • Wind - listen to binaural beats and healing frequencies. I always come back to 528 hz, love frequency.

    • Fire - light a candle and stare at the flame for as long as you can - try ten minutes. This will strengthen your will and your focus. Burn sage, palo santo, unscented candles…the smoke will clear out stagnant energy.

This list could be infinite…but what really matters is that you reconnect with your innate wisdom and soul power. You are a cosmic being having a physical experience, and whatever you can do to remember that is what matters most. Get out of your head and into your heart. Find ways to experience ecstasy and joy every single day until it is your new normal. I love you.

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