Q&A With Jennifer Longmore | The Akashic Records
Today we are joined by Jennifer Longmore to talk about the Askashic Records! To give you some context, mention of the Akashic Records can be dated back to the 19th Century.
“Helena Blavatsky claimed she learned of the records from Tibetan monks, or “mahatmas” who said the records could be found in the “akasha,” or “akasa,” the Sanskrit word for astral light, or the ether element in eastern belief systems. This fifth element of space is considered the fundamental fabric of reality from which all other elements emerge — the source of material reality. The eastern idea of karma is a major facet of the akashic records.
These “Masters of the Ancient Wisdom,” as Blavatsky referred to them as, taught her clairvoyance, psychic abilities, and astral projection. She used these tools to channel information from the akashic records and built a large following of Theosophists, including some famous ones.” - Gaia
Helen Denham: How do you like to begin your days? Any rising rituals that you go to? *This is the first question I always ask guests!
Jennifer Longmore: I begin my day with warm water, lemon & cayenne pepper and 20 minutes of stream of consciousness journaling which acts like a windshield wiper for my body and mind. Once I create a clean slate, I go into my Akashic Records to find out how I can be of service & how I can evolve. Soon after, I go to the gym to release the chemicals needed to start my day energized and centered!
HD: So! What are the Akashic Records?
JL: The Akashic Records are an ancient tool for transformation that anyone can learn to access. It's where we store our soul's blueprint for this lifetime, what we're here to learn & master, what are gifts and talents are to be shared, and provide us crystal clarity on how to live our most aligned path. We can consult with them daily to gain clarity of purpose, heal stubborn blocks, manifest and do future progressions to align with our highest timeline. The possibilities are truly endless.
HD: How can we train ourselves to access the Akashic Records and our spirit team?
JL: Here is a practice to help you open your heart space and begin to access your Akashic Records:
Clear your mind bring your attention to your heart
Set intentions for how you wish to feel while accessing your Records
Have a list of questions prepared to ask your guides who will be accessing your Records for you
Silently request your guides to open your Akashic Records for you and simply observe as you notice any shifts in perception, temperature, or sensations in your body (this will often indicate that your Records are open)
Gift yourself a moment to sit in this space; being in this energy is very powerful in clearing the mind, connecting you with your heart, and bringing clarity to your next steps; a deep connection s created and energy balances throughout your body and mind
Ask your questions and wait for the responses from your guides
Take notes in a special journal so that you can track the shifts that you make each time that you access your Akashic Records
Ask your guides to close your Records after about 20 minutes
Give yourself a moment to just be in this space before rushing off to do
The more you practice this sacred process, ideally every day for 30 days, the more you will feel a balance in your mind, body, heart connection, the more clear you will feel, and the more spiritually connected you will feel.
It's a wee bit challenging to articulate such a deep process here, which is why I created a free training. It illuminates the process and I even created a guided meditation if you’d like to be led through this journey before attempting on your own. Click HERE to sign up!
HD: What drew you to this work? Was there a transformational moment early on that sparked your knowing?
JL: I remember being quite awake as a child. This was nurtured at a young age by my maternal grandfather who was a psychic medium, and my parents who took me for my 1st past life regression when I was 4. In my mid 20's I had a recurring dream that became clear and an ascended master came through and said "these are the Akashic Records, you must learn them so that you can teach them!" Within a few months, I began teaching, and have never looked back. It's crazy for me to think that the dream sparked something that led to me training over 100,000 students in over 100 countries and creating the #1 Akashic Record Training School in the world!!!
HD: I love that you also focus on business and building wealth. How can we change our mindset and energy to allow for more prosperity?
JL: Everything starts with a choice. When we decide to shift, the aligned thoughts and tools appear to support that decision. I like using the Akashic Records for this as it can not only provide clarity, but it can uncover blocks, transmute invisible energies (like vows of poverty from other lifetimes), and then align our consciousness to hold new beliefs. Our ascension of consciousness naturally leads to increased wealth consciousness.
HD: What are you currently excited about?
JL: I'm excited to support as many lighthouses as possible be fully resourced so that they can out-create the matrix!
HD: What is one mindfulness or spiritual practice we could all integrate into our lives today that would help us evolve?
JL: When we find ourselves judging, going into the energy of fascination or curiosity shifts it instantly as it's impossible to hold the state of judgement and fascination simultaneously. Many of our 'issues' come from judgement so this mindset shift is pure gold!
Comment below to let us know what you think!
Jennifer on Instagram: @jenniferlongmore
Jennifer’s Website: https://www.souljourneys.ca/