Overcoming the ‘Imposter Syndrome’
Greetings Loved Ones,
This past week presented the challenge of dealing with 'imposter syndrome'. I got so in to my head about whether or not I am actually qualified to be offering self-help ideas, or speaking about anything in the holistic healing world. So much so, that I considered backing out of this newsletter entirely until I earned some kind of certificate to validate my knowledge.
After some thought...I reminded myself that I am enough as is. What I offer is a space for internal exploration, a chance to question what we consider to be true, and ideas for reshaping our perception to relieve us from suffering. It's validating enough, for me, that I pulled myself out of the darkest depression and self-harming tendencies to be where I am now. Really living in a state of joy, which required mindfulness and a complete rewiring of my brain (if you will).
Furthermore, I asked..."What is the truth of it all?" - do I even know the truth / have the right answers ? Well, the truth seems to be ever-changing. Every time I think I know something for sure, it's challenged or that truth changes.
My fear of being an imposter turned into curiosity...a yearning to learn more and to offer more intelligent ideas. I'm sure we've all felt this way at some point. Like, "Who am I to try my hand at this?".
Know that you are enough and we will never know it all. The exciting part is the continual learning process, and watching ourselves be brave enough to come out of our shells.
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