How to Use Tarot / Oracle Cards


On occasion, I’ll run into someone who is apprehensive about using tarot/oracle cards because it spooks them out or makes them feel victimized by the reading. Let’s just clear that limiting belief up, shall we? :) What I’ve found is that pulling cards gives us an insight into our deeper beliefs and desires…it almost accesses our subconscious. With that in mind, you can approach pulling cards as less of a ‘fortune telling’ practice, and more of an introspective practice in which you’re simply getting to know yourself better.

At the same time, almost every time I do a reading for myself or a friend, a synchronistic moment occurs that is almost the cards are almost too accurate! It’s a dance with the Youinverse. Hopefully, this will inspire you to just have some fun with a deck and see how your perspective shifts! Here is a quote from the Fountain Tarot Deck booklet that I love:

“Tarot guides the ongoing conversation of your life by highlighting what’s working, illuminating dark corners, and identifying patterns that don’t serve you. While the real tools are the joyous, chaotic, and ordinary experiences of life, tarot is the mirror that reflects them…working for you and with you to shine brightly.”


There is no ‘right’ way to do it, but these tips can make the reading more in-depth and create a juicer experience.

  1. Create a safe and cozy place for yourself where you can completely sink into the practice and the moment.

  2. Shuffle the deck and ask your spirit team to guide you through the reading. * I like to knock the top of the deck three times to clear any stagnant energy.

  3. Get clear on what messages you would like to receive. For single card pulls, ask specific questions like:

    • What is my relationship with this person teaching me?

    • Am I best suited for my current job or should I shift?

    • What lesson should I take into the immediate future?

  4. As you go, you can always ask for clarification by pulling more cards!


  • 3 cards representing:

    • (1) Past (2) Present (3) Future

    • (1) Mind (2) Body (3) Spirit

    • (1) You (2) The Other Person (3) The Relationship

  • 4 cards representing insight for:

    • (1) Love (2) Money (3) Career (4) Health & Wellbeing

    • (1) What you most need to know (2) The hidden gift in the situation (3) Where your focus should go for healing (4) What else spirit wants you to know

  • 5 cards representing

    • (1) The question clarified (2) The context (3) You (4) Your community (5) The potential outcome

    • (1) How you can best let go of what’s holding you back (2) The empowering guidance for you (3) What you need to know about the immediate future (4) How you’ve grown recently (5) The big picture of destiny unfolding

Have fun with it! And comment below with what layouts you like or what you’ve learned from a tarot/oracle card practice xx HD


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