Human Design: A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Your Unique Blueprint
Human Design has emerged as the hot topic in the spiritual community over the last couple of years. Maybe you know a little bit about it, or maybe this whole concept is totally foreign to you! I’m one of those people who kind of knows the basics of my design type, but it’s still a little blurry. So, I’ll be learning with you as I type this up and we break it down.
Human Design was originated by Alan Robert Krakower who published a book called The Human Design System under the pseudonym Ra Uru Hu in 1992. It was a channeled body of work which he transcribed over the course of just eight days. Alan recalled a ‘voice’ that he described as a superior intelligence that guided him through the writing process and supplied him with all of the knowledge around Human Design.
Artist: George RedHawk
It can be described as a pseudoscience that combines astrology, the chakra system, wisdom from ancient texts, and quantum physics. Before we talk about each type in Human Design (HD), click HERE to figure out what yours is. I’m a Projector!
Manifestors: The doers and the only initiators. They have the energy to initiate and start movements, businesses, conversations etc. Manifestors are the catalysts for action. 8-10% of the population.
Celebrity Manifestors: Maya Angelou, Martha Stewart, George Bush, Herman Hesse
Generators: The driving force in the world. They are here to learn and create with their knowledge. Generators become magnetic when they are in alignment with what brings them joy. They are constantly given opportunities and their challenge is to respond only to the ones that are in alignment for them. 35-40% of the population.
Celebrity Generators: Miley Cyrus, MLK, Stephen King, Mother Teresa
Manifesting Generators: The boundary breakers. MGs are not meant to follow a linear path of life - they are inherently multi-passionate. They have the drive of a Generator and the ability of the Manifestor to accomplish goals. They do best when they wait to respond. 30-35% of the population.
Celebrity MGs: Madonna, Oprah, John Lennon, Hillary Clinton
Projectors: The seers and visionaries. Projectors are here to manage and direct the energy of others. Their perspective and awareness allows them to effectively guide and read others unlike anyone else. They are like the bird in the tree showing the way and do best when they wait for an energetic invitation. 20-25% of the population.
Celebrity Projectors: Princess Diana, Obama, Brad Pitt, Pablo Picasso
Reflectors: The wise observers. They are the human mirrors, magnifying the world around them and have the gift of revealing who people truly are. Their bodies are deeply connected to nature and respond to the wellbeing of the larger collective. 1-2% of the population.
Celebrity Reflectors: Sandra Bullock, Jordan Younger
Like astrology, Human Design is a beautiful way to observe and get to know ourselves on a deeper level. We only scratched the surface today, so have fun exploring and let me know what else you learn! I like to follow Jenna Zoe on Instagram who is an HD expert for regular updates.
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