Two Keys For Activating Your Potential

Greetings Loved Ones,

If You Feel Like You're Missing Out On Life…
Here's How To Get Back In The Game


I had two clients say the exact same thing to me last week. They essentially said, "Helen, I feel like I’m just watching my life pass me by without actively participating in it. I don't feel excited about anything right now and I don't even know if my interests are authentic to me. Maybe I'm just trying things because that's what I'm supposed to do. I feel so lost and stuck. I don't even know where to start."

If that sounds familiar, here's where it could be coming from:

1. You're unsure of your values. 

Our values shape our standards and what we ultimately allow into our lives. They serve as the foundation for how we make important decisions, how we set goals, and where we place our intention (and attention). When you are clear on your values, you are a lot clearer about what brings you fulfillment, what excites you, and the general direction you want to be going. 

If you are unsure where to start, think about the people you admire most. What do you respect about them? 

I'll share my core values with you to give you an idea - they are: A) Integrity B) Compassion C) Courage D) Faith E) Authenticity. When I make decisions and plans, I will (unconsciously) be ensuring that my decisions check all of those boxes. 

2) You don't fully trust yourself yet. 

When we don't trust ourselves, we freeze. We stop ourselves from making any kind of decision or trying something new because we assume that it will fall apart in some way. This tends to be all or nothing thinking.  

Here's my advice - don't think of going level 0 to 100 with something. That's wayy to intense, and so intimidating! Instead, think of going from level 0 to 1.. then 1 to 2.. then 2 to 3. Just think about the next natural step you could take (I know you hear me say this all the time hehe). 

Start flexing your trust muscle with something very small that you want to improve in your life. For example, maybe you want to stay more hydrated! So, commit to drinking a large glass of water before your morning cup of coffee every day. Super low stakes - and as you continue to show up for yourself in this small way, you'll start to feel proud of yourself, and you'll start to trust yourself more and more with bigger decisions.  

Contemplate or Journal:

✍️ What are my core values? List at least 3 and why you chose them. 

✍️ What is something small I can start doing every day to show up for myself and build self trust?


3 Ways To Deepen Your Healing This Week:

  1. Listen to the newest episode of The Lifted Podcast → ‘Why You Doubt Yourself + How To Get Out Of Your Own Way’ (🎧 on Apple or 🎧 on Spotify)

  2. Join The Lifted Club ( a spiritual community) on a FREE Trial for EFT tapping classes and Full Moon Workshops.

  3. Book a 1:1 90-minute Alignment Session with me to get crystal clear on the next steps to take in your life and align with your most authentic self.


An Intro To EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) - EFT 101


How To Get Clear On Your Path Forward