Changing Our Introductions

“So what exactly do you do?”

I get asked this question quite often, and sometimes I’m not sure how to answer! Depending on who I’m talking to, the answer varies. When speaking to a healer, I’m a podcast host who would like to interview them...with a new business owner, I’m a brand a concert, I’m a singer/songwriter...with my mama, I’m a daughter. I am a facilitator who wears many different hats. But usually, when someone asks me what I do, they want to know how I make money.

The ‘who am I?’ of it all can be a little daunting, but we are not defined solely by our jobs. We are dynamic and unique individuals - there is no one like you. We are entirely unique expressions of consciousness. With this in mind, how can we change the way we introduce ourselves in order to go deeper than just figuring out how to compare ourselves based on income (frankly)?

What if we asked, “What are you passionate about?” instead of “Soooo, what do you do?”. The way we interact with people would totally change. I can bet that a conversation surrounding passion would yield exciting and inspiring banter vs. cold and rigid conversation about a potentially stressful work day. Passion implies purpose - and it reiterates the idea that we are all here for a reason. Talking about our passions also offers a greater chance to spark a 'Hey, me too!' moment - this creates friendship...this creates community.

Passion is driven by an inner calling, where a 'job' can often feel like little more than an obligation. I mean, just the word 'work' sparks discomfort. So! A little homework for ya. Next time you meet someone new at a social outing - try the aforementioned language and see where it takes you. x

Love, Helen Denham

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