Celebrating the Winter Solstice: Energetic Realignment and Renewal
Let's talk about all of this potent, cosmic energy at play! We've got the solstice tomorrow (December 21st) and then a new moon in Capricorn on Friday. Leading up this cosmic alignment, we may find ourselves in an intense shadow phase as we experience the longest night of the year… a 'dark night of the soul' if you will. You may have felt it for the last few days in general. There is an energy of closure marking this shift. We may recognize old patterns coming up to be reckoned with for the last time.. we may experience big emotional releases and purgings.. just know that this time is sacred and necessary. It's a rite of passage.
The winter solstice is the shortest day and longest night of the year. It has been celebrated by many cultures and ancient civilizations throughout history as a way to mark the passage of the seasons and bring forth intentional new beginnings. The ancient Egyptians, for example, celebrated the winter solstice as the birthday of the sun god Ra, while the ancient Greeks honored the solstice with the festival of Kronia, which celebrated the reign of Cronus, the god of time. In many Native American cultures, the winter solstice was a time of spiritual renewal in accordance with nature. The Hopi people, for example, celebrated the winter solstice with a ceremony called the Soyal, which was a time for prayer and offerings.
The word "solstice" comes from the Latin "solstitium," which means "sun standing still." This refers to the way the sun appears to be stationary in the sky around the time of the solstice.
It has been linked to various astronomical phenomena, such as the alignment of the sun with certain star constellations and the occurrence of meteor showers.
The winter solstice occurs when the Earth's North Pole is tilted the farthest away from the sun. This happens around December 21st or 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere and June 20th or 21st in the Southern Hemisphere.
1. What has been the most challenging part of the last year for you? And how have you grown or changed as a result of those events?
2. What are some things you need to let go of in order to move forward from the last year?
3. What are some things you need to forgive, either for yourself or for others, from the last year?
4. How can you use the events of the last year to improve your life going forward?
What are some areas of your life that you would like to bring more balance to?
How can you prioritize self-care and self-compassion in your daily life?
What are some things you are grateful for and how can you cultivate a sense of gratitude on a daily basis?
How can you set clear intentions and goals for the future and work towards achieving them?
What are some positive affirmations or mantras that you can use to remind yourself of your strengths and value?
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