What Is Reiki? My Initiation As A Practitioner
I spent the last couple of days in intensive training, with three other amazing individuals, learning about Reiki healing and how to channel this particular energy. The word 'Reiki' translates to 'universal life force energy'...similar to 'prana' or 'chi'. A Reiki practitioner is essentially a channel for this energy, and we use our hands to guide the force and promote relaxation, balancing, and healing.
Reiki is a completely natural, gentle, non-invasive form of energetic healing. The sole purpose of Reiki is to heal and balance the root cause behind any given physical or emotional symptom. It can never cause harm and works with the body’s innate ability to heal itself. There are no side effects with Reiki and it does not conflict with any medical procedures.
There are multiple lineages of Reiki, and I am personally studying the ‘Usui System of Natural Healing’.
Dr. Mikao Usui is credited with the re-discovery and revival of this ancient art during his time in Kyoto, Japan. It is believed that he was following a quest to understand how Buddha and Jesus healed themselves through divine love. Usui was led to Mt. Kurama where he fasted, meditated and followed the directions of the formula he had discovered for 21 days. On the last day, he had still not received healing power and prayed for an answer at the peak of his frustration. In response to his prayer, Dr. Usui was shown three dimensional symbols of gold. In that moment, he had received an attunement for each symbol and the knowledge of it’s use. This was his initiation in the use of Reiki healing power. Dr. Usui left Mt. Kurama and began offering Reiki healing throughout Japan. - Center for Advanced Energy Therapeutics
Our Reiki master beautifully reminded us that this universal energy is innate and primal...and we are all capable of activating it. In fact, we often do without even noticing! For example, have you noticed that when you get a headache, you instinctually massage your temples, or hold your head? In doing so, you are balancing your third eye (the center of intuition and vision). Or, have you ever been nervous in a social situation and found yourself placing your hands on your stomach? In doing so, you were balancing your solar plexus (the center of confidence, joy, and purpose).
Beyond introducing me to deeper layers of the ether world, Reiki training also reminded me to trust my intuition every time. Today, we practiced healing on our partners and as I was working on my lovely counterpart, I noticed that every part of her body was vibrating except for her legs. It felt like her left leg was completely deactivated...a very airy feeling. So, I put one hand on her knee and one hand on her foot to ground her, and she immediately had an emotional response. She told me that when she was a kid, she had almost lost that leg in an accident.
Trusting my intuition allowed me to navigate my partner's body and pinpoint where healing was needed. We are all capable of this deep knowing - it is always within us, pointing us in the right direction. Can you sense where in your body you might be holding tension? Try placing your hands on that spot for a little while and sending love to the area...intention is everything.
I’ll close by sharing with you the 5 Reiki ideals because they are simply beautiful affirmations. These ideals represent a philosophy and foundation for maintaining overall wellbeing:
For today, I shall not anger.
For today, I shall not worry.
I give thanks for my many blessings.
I do my work with honesty.
I am kind to my neighbor and all living things.
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