The Law Of Attraction

Greetings Loved Ones,

When I first started rewiring my thinking and putting myself in the driver’s seat of life (if you will), I gravitated toward the law of attraction and studied everything I could get my hands on relating to the subject. It was a life-changing realization that focusing on what I do want will bring more of that and, likewise, focusing on what I don't want will bring more of that. Seems simple, but humans have literally ~60,000 thoughts per day! Every thought we have is a spell - changing our lives for the better or for the worse. Making sure those thoughts are productive is work that can take years to change for a lot of us. 

I got frustrated after a while, thinking, 'I keep imagining my ideal life and speaking positive affirmations, so why aren't things lining up for me? Why am I not living the life that I put on my vision board?' I felt better for sure, but my life wasn't reflecting everything I desired like I thought it might. 

Well, I finally learned that we must take inspired action for the magic to work. We can't just meditate and pray on the new job with the fancy new apartment and the awesome boyfriend/girlfriend...we have to show up for it! We've got to get ourselves off the couch and start working on that resume, start searching for that new apartment and start putting ourselves in places to meet that partner. It's all about teamwork to make the dream work when it comes to the Youniverse. I always remind myself that luck is when preparation meets opportunity. 

IG @harleyweir

When we feel good - we do good. When we feel good, our passion is ignited and we are excited to get out in the world and put our best foot forward! If you can just show up for yourself and get your foot out the door while you feel good, I know whatever you desire will come to fruition. It's then that we'll have those serendipitous moments and coincidental meetings...

All of that being said, I absolutely believe in ‘conscious collaboration’ with spirit / the universe. When we open ourselves up to magic and open those portals of communication, amazing things can and will happen. When we get perfectly clear on what we need/want, we tell the universe that we are open and ready to receive. Here is one of my favorite practices for manifestation:

  • Set your timer for 17 seconds and focus only on what you desire. Then, go up to 68 seconds and do the same (now that your focus has improved). When we hyper-focus, magic starts flowing. Half of the work is just figuring out what we even want! Once you've completed the exercise, just forget about it :) Know that it's coming.

Let me know what you manifest in the coming weeks!

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