Spirituality Does Not Require A Dress Code

When I first started to understand myself as a spirit having a physical experience, I thought there was something wrong with me for desiring beautiful things, wearing makeup, being sexually active and wanting financial success. I figured that if I was going to be spiritual, it would only make sense for me to become a minimalist, give up all of my worldly possessions, dress only in white, and stop caring about my looks. To be spiritual, I would need to chant every day, never get upset and I would probably need to move out of the city.

Well…my spiritual journey has certainly not looked like that (although it might eventually lol). If anything, experimenting with the way I dress, embracing my sexuality, learning how to make money and living in NYC has helped me figure out who I really am and what feels good. There is no rule book for spirituality - we will all reclaim our authentic selves in our own unique ways. It comes down to being completely honest about who we are and what we want to experience in this dimension.

I also don’t believe there is any ‘right or wrong’ when it comes to what we desire. We will grow and learn no matter what we choose. For example, I love getting my nails and hair done…I love pampering myself. If I wanted to pamper myself so that people would like me more and I would be more popular, that might signal a confidence issue. But I like to take care of myself in those ways because it makes me feel like a Queen and it’s like giving myself a beautiful gift. I also like going to hip-hop classes for the same reason! Neither of those activities make me any less of a spiritual person.

I’m writing this to encourage you to express yourself in whatever way feels good to you! If that means shaving your head and wearing a tutu - excellent. If that means joining a choir or a dance group - excellent. If that means painting your walls neon green - you go glen coco. You catch my drift? We don’t have to fit a certain mold to be spiritual beings…we just need to be ourselves…follow our bliss. And as we get closer to our authentic selves, we will start to pick up tools that help us connect more deeply to source (meditation, journaling and being in nature are now the best tools for me).

We are all spiritual beings no matter where we are on our journey, and hopefully this helped you to feel more confident about how you choose to live. There is no dress code for this life. xx

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