Solo Travel For The Soul

Greetings Loved Ones,

Whether you are an introvert, extrovert, people person or lone-wolf - I really believe that taking solo trips can be instrumental in building character. It doesn’t have to be some extravagant getaway! It could be as simple as driving upstate for a couple nights with your camping gear. The first trip I took completely alone was in 2015(?) to the Turks and Caicos to get away from the frozen tundra that is NYC in February. Besides craving warmth, I wanted to prove to myself that I was brave enough to be completely independent. I wanted to see if I could even handle the responsibility of planning the trip, saving for it, and managing to have fun. Since then, I jump on any opportunity for a getaway with me, myself and I.

For a long time, I had been embarrassed to be seen alone….going way back to the school cafeteria days. I was scared that people would think something was wrong with me - that there was something about me that couldn’t make friends. When I hit my 20s, I finally stopped worrying about that and started to cherish my alone time. I realized that people don’t actually care that much about what I’m doing - they are worrying about themselves! Now, I feel so much more comfortable with expressing my need for space to clear my head.

Solo travel is different than just being home alone. You are pushed out of your element and your normal routines, and placed in (sometimes) an alien world. It’s fascinating to observe who we are without familiar faces, things, and places defining us. Who is a New York City girl in the Arizona desert….alone? Well, there are a few things I’ve picked up along the way:

  • I believe in the kindness of strangers wholeheartedly. I trust people very deeply and believe that everyone is innately good. Every single trip I’ve taken has reinforced that. Even when you’re alone, you are not alone.

  • Your habits and ways of thinking will become abundantly clear without your normal distractions from home. How much time do you really spend on your phone? Do you worry a lot? Or are you filled with gratitude? Can you let it all go? What are your genuine characteristics? They will show up.

  • You will gain self-confidence. Being in new and foreign environments will gently force you to ground, center, and be yourself. You might just figure out what the heck that even means haha, or get a little closer to the truth.

  • Your values will become more apparent. How will you treat others with no one watching? How will you treat yourself? What will you actually do with your time?

  • You’ll be happy you did it :) Solo travel is a gift to yourself. It’s allowing yourself to be hugged by life in a big way.

What will you do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver

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