8/8 The Lion’s Gate Portal
Greetings Loved Ones,
Are you ready to dive into this incredible energy we're working with this week?? As as a reminder, the Lion's Gate is an annual cosmic alignment in which the star Sirius aligns with Earth and the Sun in the sign of Leo. It's believed to create a powerful energetic gateway for expansion, manifestation, and transformation with Sirius, our ‘spiritual sun’, giving us peak illumination on the 8th of August.
Some background:
Sirius is the brightest star in our night sky - it shines 23 times brighter than our own Sun and is visible to the naked eye as part of the Canis Major constellation. Follow the three stars of Orion's Belt downward to the left, and you'll find Sirius.
In Ancient Egypt, it was associated with the goddess Isis and was believed to signal the yearly flooding of the Nile, symbolizing rebirth and fertility. The star's appearance was seen as a time of renewal and a new year for the Egyptians. Only recently, though, has the Lion's Gate portal become especially prominent again in spiritual communities.. another symbol of our collective evolving and growing together into lighter frequencies.
How to work with this energy:
This is a time to go boldly after your desires. It's time to take action! If there's something you've been wanting to launch or work on or share with the world, you have an extra charge available to you right now. Tap into your courage and your radical optimism and just do it.
Leo activates both the heart chakra and the solar plexus. You can work with crystals like rose quartz and citrine in your meditation practices to expand your capacity for self-compassion and confidence.
Embodiment practices will help to strengthen your sense of courage and power. Get in the mirror and do some power poses! Dance! Deepen your yoga practice with heart opening stretches and sun salutations!
Manifest with clear intention. Spruce up your vision board and get more specific on exactly what you want. For example, if you want to manifest a new job, get very specific on the kind of role you want, what kind of salary you want, and all of the details. Then, do a visualization practice to envision your desire coming to life. I just made a reel on this!
Take your gratitude practice seriously. Speak aloud and write down what you are grateful for. Even the challenges that have been presented to you - everything is unfolding for your highest good. Gratitude is going to amplify your ability to receive and accept your blessings when they come.
Journal + Reflection Prompts:
instagram: @helendenham_
✍️ What was happening at this time last year?
✍️ Where have you been holding yourself back out of fear? How would things change if you moved with courage and trust instead?
✍️ Where do you want to be in six months from now?
✍️ How have you grown recently? What are you proud of yourself for?
PS - We are getting closer and closer to the doors opening for my new monthly membership on the 18th!! I'm SO EXCITED 😭 You can click HERE to join the waitlist for The Lifted Club (which includes special perks).
Love always,