Why You’re Dissatisfied + How To Remedy It

The following has also been recorded as a podcast for those of you who are auditory learners. You can click HERE to listen.


A survey conducted by Gallup found that 58% of Americans report being dissatisfied in life, with another concluding that only 14% of Americans consider themselves ‘very satisfied’. If you are waking up and going to sleep anxious or depressed, and you find yourself in that 58%, you are still existing in ‘the Matrix’.

You feel this way, because you’re not acting upon your most authentic, aligned, and vital desires.

You’re allowing the world to shape you instead of actively creating the world around you because you are unclear on what you actually want. Most people accept the mundane. Most people let the world happen to them and end up as victims of circumstance.

If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything.

- I'm giving you some straight talk today because I love you hehe -

The majority of people would rather stay in a familiar Hellscape than move toward an unfamiliar Heaven.

We have been conditioned to fear change.
We have been indoctrinated to stay on track with the rest of society.

  • Go to school.

  • Get a 9-5 job.

  • Suffer through every day feeling exhausted, depleted, and out of alignment.. and assume this is the only way.

  • Get married.

  • Have some kids.

  • Eat the standard American diet, watch the standard American shows, have the standard American mid-life crisis..

  • Retire.

  • Question what the heck you just did with your entire life.

Now, some of you will authentically desire a more traditional path! Maybe it actually ignites joy for you. Beautiful.

But - for the rest of you reading this, that trajectory of an existence in the Matrix will make you want to run for the hills and you’ll be living in a dissatisfied state until you start following that inner compass of yours.

When I refer to the ‘Matrix’, I’m alluding to our mental and physical consumption in terms of:

1. Diet: Perhaps you know that 10 companies own just about everything we eat. Foods that are highly processed, with high levels of sugar, and very low nutritional value.

  • To break free from this reality looks like prioritizing a whole foods, locally grown, plant-forward diet.

2. Media: We’re all being pushed the same top 10 movies and shows on Netflix - mostly violent, not intellectual, shallow, and ego-driven.

  • To break out of this reality is to be highly selective with what media is allowed to enter your mind. Prioritize education, inspiration, and spiritually aligned entertainment that leaves you feeling better and more connected to humanity than before.

3. Societal ‘Shoulds’: Aforementioned (keeping up with the Jones’).

Keeping a population slow, unhealthy, and in an energy of scarcity allows it to be easily controlled.

The question is - how do we get to “the hills” that we’re running toward, and create a new (more authentic) life beyond the status quo?

We need to learn to trust ourselves and act upon a more vital frequency that we inherently know is good for us. We do know how to feel better. We know that sunlight, nature, movement, whole foods, community, hydration, new experiences, meditation… will all lead us to excelling - to feeling superhuman.

And you know what's wild? Being superhuman literally just means being healthy, conscious, and optimistic these days.

We simply need to lift the veil of illusion that is keeping us unhealthy in mind, body, and spirit - and ultimately, dissatisfied.

“Know thyself.” Remember who you really are.
You are so fucking powerful. You are so fucking capable.

The most elevated and ambitious individuals understand that obstacles and challenges are inevitable, and consciously use these points of tension as fuel to propel themselves toward greater expansion.

More importantly, they are clear on their path forward, and they know how to use challenges to their advantage in order to gain momentum on their path to success.

Like Sisyphus pushing the boulder up the mountain, each of us are given our own boulders to push in this lifetime.

However, our perspective and choices will determine how heavy the boulder is, and whether or not we get crushed by the weight of it. We get to decide what meaning we assign to every given event. We get to decide if we become stronger with every mile pushed - like strength training. Or we can decide to succumb to the pressure of the heaviness and retreat into a torturous loop.

To feel more satisfied in life, you need to know what you actually want. What does the boulder represent to you? Why do you keep going?

If you don’t choose a path, one will be assigned to you.

You need to fall in love with your life again by assigning meaning and purpose to the seemingly mundane.. and you need to trust yourself to make the best decisions for your evolution.

Trust is built through overcoming challenges daily, and picking yourself up again and again and again while assessing what you learned each and every time to build strength.

This is why setting and attaining daily goals that are in alignment with our soul desires is so imperative. It breeds a sense of deep satisfaction that stacks and stacks, putting us in the rare top 10% of people who are deeply satisfied and very happy with their lives.

There are two ways to work with me:

Private Mentorship for 16 Weeks
Single Sessions for → Quantum Healing, Confidence Building, or Business Audits


Client Success Story


The Changing Lunar Nodes on July 17th