How to Trust (And Love) Yourself Again: A Practice.

How to Trust (And Love) Yourself Again: A Practice.

Having a sense of control makes us feel safe in a world that is programmed for chaos. But as we all come to find, the only thing we really can control is our internal experience and how we assign meaning to the events that unfold for us.

Without the mastery of our internal experience, we tend to spiral into anxiety and depressive states. Most of us are still learning how to master and trust ourselves. A staggering 50% of adults ages 18-24 reported anxiety and depression symptoms in 2023, and about a third of adults overall.

We are a species that tends to fragment and dissociate from our innate power.

We incarnate in this lifetime to remember how to return to love (source.. self) amidst the chaos, and we are given challenges and obstacles, on a near-daily basis, that beg the question, “Will you abandon yourself under the weight of this lesson? Or will you choose to be patient with yourself and rise to the occasion?”

The way in which we respond to these tests separates humanity into two categories:

  1. A population that exists in a state of paralysis, fear, and anxiety because they self-abandon under pressure.

  2. A population that exists in a state of trust, optimism, and hope that allows them to experience more peace, fulfillment, and longevity.

The second category requires us to become ‘spiritual warriors’ in many ways. To avoid getting crushed under the barrage of obstacles that we get served, we have to learn how to assign more productive and positive meaning to life’s unfoldings.

This begins with our self-talk and how we choose to respond to any given event. I’ll give you two examples of how to rewire the tendency to self-abandon to develop stronger confidence.

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Limited: “My partner left me, so that must mean I’m unlovable.”

Expanded: “I learned so much from this relationship, and I’m getting closer to the best match for me. Even though it’s painful now, I’m so grateful for the growth I’ve experienced, and I’m so excited to meet my person from a more healed place.”

Limited: “I totally failed at reaching my goal. I give up. It’s too hard.”

Expanded: “I can see the gaps in my previous process, and I’m going to be patient with myself as I audit and edit my approach to reaching this goal. I recognize that patience and persistence are key, and I will never give up on myself and the life that I desire and deserve.”

We always have a choice.

The issue is that we are a culture obsessed with instant gratification. We have forgotten how to play the long game and create spiritual, structural integrity.

If you really want control.. if you really want to be able to trust yourself amidst the chaos, practice stillness. Master your internal experience (your internal dialogue) and watch your external reality change.

I’ll never forget one of my first teachers telling me to meditate in Times Square (utter chaos) to master the art of presence and stillness. This is a transformational practice of sovereignty, of confidence, and of faith in your strength when you can learn how to be still in the midst of a ‘storm’.

Trusting ourselves comes down to a practice of:

1. Patience and persistence while we journey forward step by step.

2. Spiritual strength training through mastering the mind.

3. Presence through stillness and surrender.

4. Returning to self when we find that we’ve fragmented and given our power away.

The day you plant the seed is not the day you harvest the fruit.

Remembering how to trust and to love yourself is the same. It's like building a home brick by brick.. thought by thought.. choice by choice.. a return to love, over and over again.

I love you. Keep going.

There are two ways to work with me:
1:1 Private Mentorship (4 Months)
Single Sessions To Deepen Your Healing


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