How To Launch Your Podcast (10 Steps)

Okay my darlings. I’ll get straight to the point with this one! I started the Lifted podcast about 3 years ago and here’s exactly how I did it in 10 easy steps!

1: Pick a name for your show that reflects your overarching intention for sharing.

2: Design your cover art in Canva (free!). It should be a simple headshot of you with a clean background, easy-to-read text, and font that will be used consistently across your marketing.

3. Record the podcast via Zoom so that you can capture both audio and video very easily (Zoom will pick up your microphone). Zoom also saves an .mp3 file separately for you so you can drop it into GarageBand to edit easily, or upload as is with no editing in post!

4. Always wear wired headphones while recording if you aren't using a nicer mic. It will still sound great, but use wired headphones (not AirPods). Sound quality is very important.

5. Have a short introduction that you use every time. "Welcome to the ___ podcast. This is a show designed to help you ____ and I'm your host, ___."

6. Choose some nice copyright-free background music that can gently play under the intro and ads. I use

7. Decide what platforms you want to release on, such as Spotify, iTunes, etc. I use 'Podserve' ('Anchor' is another good one) for around $20/month. You could also just upload it to YouTube for free!

8. If you're interviewing guests, have a strong template that you use every time, mentioning who you are and what you do, and include a Calendly link to book a recording time with you via Zoom. Make it easy for them to say yes!

9. I’d recommend choosing only one day of the week to schedule your podcast meetings so that you don’t get overwhelmed with interviews being scattered throughout your week. For example, I always record on Thursdays between 10am and 3pm.

10. Finally, be consistent. Maybe you release an episode every week, or maybe every month. You decide, but stick to that schedule to build trust with your community. They can be short episodes! Start where you are. It's okay to sound awkward. You will get better with every episode. Patience and persistence are key.

DM me on IG @helendenham_ to tell me what you’re about to launch so I can support you and cheer you on!! You’ve got this!

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