Biohacking & Spontaneous Healing

Okay team, here’s the deal: we are capable of healing ourselves on a cellular, atomic, and energetic level. I believe that we can even transform our genetic makeup and DNA….and it’s not just a belief. This is finally being backed by the scientific community, so why are more people not talking about this?? Well, because we live in a consumer economy and big pharma would prefer that we stay sedated instead of cosmic beings having a physical experience and spontaneously healing.

I first started to get curious about changing the physical body by changing thoughts/beliefs when I was in college. I’m gonna be honest with you, the curiosity was completely rooted in vanity but it gave way to a fascinating experience. At the time, I had just moved to NYC and was dabbling in modeling aaand I really wanted those gorgeous Angelina Jolie lips (omg I can’t believe we’re talking about this). I had a good buddy who had just introduced me to Teal Swan’s work and Brad Yates and my whole reality was being flipped upside down. I was starting to understand that I was in the driver’s seat of life in every single sense.

Okay, so I decided I was going to think my way into having bigger lips by directing my energy and cells. Every evening, for a while, I would stand in the mirror and give my cells directions. I would massage my face and lips and tell my cells to multiply and create more flesh around my lips to make them bigger. I spoke to my cells with love and gratitude and just had so much fun being silly and doing this. I didn’t think much of this little experiment, but I just came across some old college photos, and you guys… I changed my face.

I’ll give you one more example of overhauling my biology. From childhood to ~ age 20 I was severely allergic to cats. In fact, I was hospitalized a few times. I believe that my allergies started when our family cat (who was not friendly) scratched me across the face in grade school. That experience put me in a state of fight or flight from then on around every cat, no matter how friendly. My body would create an allergy attack like a big red flag - warning me to back away from the perceived danger. When I started to learn about EFT and emotions being tied to disease in the body, I knew this was how I would eventually overcome my allergies. Every time I knew I was going to be around cats, I would do EFT to reassure myself that I was safe and that I could let go of the past. It worked, and now I’m not allergic to cats…point-blank.

Now that you have some context, let’s get into the scientific community’s research. Dr. Joe Dispenza (who I bet you’ve heard of) has been making leaps with his studies, particularly around spontaneous healing. He’s helped people struggling with everything from cancer to multiple sclerosis. The common denominator among people who experienced spontaneous remission and recovery was their belief in a higher intelligence, and consequently, their understanding that they could direct that intelligence with observation and will power.

This is not magic…it’s quantum physics. The double-slit experiment proves that our consciousness can change our physical reality through observation. Check out this video to learn more.

With this understanding, we can begin to construct our lives on an atomic level through observation. How do we put this into practice? Through visualization. In terms of the body, think of a part of your physical being that you would like to transform or heal. The key here is to focus intently only on the desired outcome. Focusing for extended periods of time is where most of us run into a challenge, and where meditation is our greatest tool. To practice, you could use a candle in meditation - set your timer for 10 minutes (or whatever you can do) and stare only at the flame to increase focus. When your focus has improved, you can move on to visualization meditation. I like to put on binaural beats, lay down, and visualize exactly what I want my cells to do. In my mind, I speak to my cells and imagine my body (or a specific part of the body) in perfect health. I’ll mention EFT again here because it’s also a visualization technique to some extent, and it gets us into a higher vibration emotionally.

  • Joe Dispenza famously reconstructed his spinal column being in an accident that was ‘supposed’ to paralyze him. He spent weeks visualizing his spine healing and walked out of the hospital a healed man.

Knowledge, and the application of our understanding, is the ultimate power in this realm. We must also trust that the process will work…that’s where a connection to spirit/god/the cosmos comes in. I’ll leave you with this: scientists at Oxford have analyzed the human genome and claim that less than 10 percent of our DNA is functional. That means 90 PERCENT of our DNA is unlocked. What would happen if we could unlock even just 10% more of our DNA?? The dawn of a superhuman…

Love you.

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